lørdag 29. april 2017

Summer 2016

Talking with Dad

At the Viking Museum in Oslo

At Prekestolen(Pulpit rock) with Christopher


No good summer without a visit from Hege and the boys

Claudio came all the way from South Africa to visit

With Granny(Farmor)


At Mølen

Board games are fun!

Spending time with Lise

Showing Else the salmons

My baby Audi

Inger helping me cleaning my brother house as a surprise : )

My kitchen assistants

The boys are ready for a camp

Lunch with Uncle Jim and Carolin

Great with visitors from Nepal

The supervisor 

Putting up prayer flags from Nepal

Watching salmons with Carolin

Johannes, Gard and Trym at Kjerrafossen

With Carolin and Inger

On our way home to New Orleans

tirsdag 24. mai 2016

“All those days that came and went, little did I know that they were my life.”

Trym, Ken, the dogs and I had a great day at the Grand Isle Beach

Grand Isle

So sad....we had to go to Bahamas to renew our Visas. PS It was raining EVERY day - hahaha!

My boys


Lovely waves and clouds

I think this is the closet we get to fall in New Orleans

In Amsterdam on our way home for Christmas

This is happiness; a big table in the kitchen filled with our family(or friends)

Christmas was celebrated at my brothers house - yes, we only have boys! : ) 

Folehavna - very fresh in December but so beautiful
My town! Sandefjord church

They had to collect snow from the whole garden to make a snowman - with their cousin Peder

A Monarch butterfly in Audubon Park

And this is the caterpillar that turns into a Monarch - how amazing!

Walking the dogs in Audubon Park - Ken and Audi

Charlie turning 15 in September! Yay!

Mardi Gras! Yay! Trym and Sebastian

Ena came down from Washington to say hello  - what a pleasure to see her again! We met in Dubai in 2008

True love! : )

Trym and Matteo


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Gard visiting Williamsburg

Gard put flowers on the tomb of the unknown soldier in Washington - what an honor to do!

Jo, my lovely neighbor, and I had to go to City Park to see some tulips

Feeding Jo's chickens

With my wonderful family from Toronto - Christine and Ron

Jessica, Ron, Gard and Ken

Many snakes in the swamp - very happy that we could walk on these wooden platforms